
Week 5: Thing 12 - Rollyo

At first, I wasn't too impressed with Rollyo, but I could see its usefulness for people who want to do very narrow searches like "gluten-free recipes".

It was easy to create a searchroll on my blog, but I couldn't find a specific link to copy. And the searchroll doesn't seem to work, but I'll play with it sometime in the next week or two.


Week 5: Thing 11 LibraryThing

I have been using Novelist to help me remember the books I have read or want to read, but I'm excited that LibraryThing can do the same thing with non-fiction titles, as well.


Week 5:Thing 10 - Play Around

I was able to create this poster at the FD Toys website, using Flickr and a photo of my son. Pretty cool.

Week 5 : Thing 10 - Play around with an online image generator

Yahoo! Avatars U.K. & Ireland

I couldn't resist adding mountains in the background, since I just got back from a week in Colorado.

Week 4: Thing 9 - Merlin and other useful library sites

I have to admit I didn't find Merlin to be as exciting as I anticipated, but I have enjoyed some of the other newsfeeds I am now perusing on my bloglines page.

I like Feedster for its Google-like qualities. Topix is useful for local news, although I'm not sure when I would ever need to use it. Syndic8 and Technorati - they're pretty exhaustive.


Week 4: Thing 8 - Bloggers and Newsfeeds

Bloggers and Newsfeeds... Interesting stuff. I do not peruse many websites, so creating a Bloglines account to streamline information actually had the opposite effect - I'm now reviewing more information than ever. But that's a good thing, right?

Not sure if I'm going to be able to make my blogsline account public... maybe on a day when we are not so busy on the desk.